AAPM & PMAANZ 2015 Joint Conference – Hobart this week
Carla and Cameron look forward to meeting you at the AAPM and PMAANZ Joint Conference in Hobart this week when you drop by our stand.
We are keen to demonstrate the new improved features in the upcoming 3.3 version of Stat as well as introducing you to our partners and we are raffling some award winning wine!!
New features in the upcoming Stat version include:
Integrated EFTPOS using Tyro – www.tyro.com.au
Integration with Xero / MYOB via the Surgical Partners gateway www.surgicalpartners.com.au
Comprehensive Obstetric module designed in liaison with industry specialists
Medicare latest client adaptor – Stat now have the latest Notice of Integration (NOI) and are now certified for Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology claiming.
Assist Fees now bill the following way as advised by Department of Human Services. When ECLIPSE claims with assistant item numbers are to be claimed, Stat will now artificially split the invoice into two before sending the claim, and then join the response from Medicare back together. This splitting and re-joining will be transparent to the user and we have been advised by the department “all private health insurers should accept and process claims for assist fee items” that are sent in this manner. Changes to the Payment Advice area – previously known as the Remittance Advice – user definable area with many different payment options. This will be available on Invoices, Quotes/Estimates and Statements.
Ability to record overseas addresses
Changes to Banking Process slips to show payment breakdown more clearly
Expanders and scroll bars added to all clinical tools for users with low resolution screens
Improvements to the draft document workflow and screens
Waiting Room grid improvement as well as appointment type display in the grid
Multiple users can now access the recall screen at the same time
Just a reminder that you are invited to the Cocktail Party being held by Surgical Partners, Tyro, William Buck to help celebrate our Partners in Practice on Thursday 22nd October at 6-7.30 pm evening at the Henry James Art Hotel, Hobart.