Version 3.3 will begin beta testing shortly and below is a list of more features included in this version.
1. International addresses can now be stored on the patient file. If the residential address is an overseas address then all online claiming features should be disallowed. There is a report which can be run to show all patients who have an international address listed.
2. Ability to personalise the invoice header – The change implemented will allow either using the standard invoice report or an alternate version which will be missing all the header details (practice name, address, phone numbers, ABN, email etc.). The blank area caused by these fields being missing can be filled by using a pre-printed paper with whatever design you desire in that area.
3. Remittance Advice has now been renamed the Payment Advice and now has user definable areas for the many payment options. This Payment Advice will be available on Invoices, Quotes/Estimates and Statements.
4. A new column has been added to the waiting list, between the patient name column and the appointment column. This is new column is labelled ‘T’, which stands for Appointment Type, and displays the type of the appointment for the patient.
5. When recording patient allergies, it will be mandatory to record allergy notes.