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From the 1 of January 2016 a new initiative has been introduced called No Jab No Pay.

Effectively this means that if any child under the age of 20 has not been fully immunised there is no eligibility to claim the Child Care Benefit, The Child Care Rebate and the Family Tax Benefit Part.

ACIR (Australian Childhood Register) is administered by Medicare Australia and record all vaccinations for children from birth to seven years of age in Australia.

Stat transmits details for every patient who receives an ACIR vaccination regardless of the age of the patient.

ACIR vaccinations have a transmission code which enables the electronic transmission of the data to ACIR.

For Queensland practices, the data is sent to the ACIR who then forward the relevant information through to VIVAS (Vaccination Information and Vaccination Administration System). VIVAS is administered by Queensland Health and records all childhood and some adult vaccinations given in Queensland as well as monitoring the distribution and use of vaccines throughout the Stat.


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